Welcome A. Wholes!
The "A" in A. Whole stands for Actor because it is our main prerogative to create full time working actors.
An A. Whole is an actor that is knowledgeable in all areas to be a self sustaining collaborator while understanding the technique of acting, the technical side of being on set in front and behind the camera, the business side of the industry, the process of creating a production from scratch and an internally balanced self confident individual.
Basically, a whole well rounded professional compassionate actor.

Advanced Scene Study Class
Created for actors who are dedicated to taking their craft to the next level.
This class is structured to simulate an actor preparing a role, as you would in real world situations, whether prepping for an audition or to go on set. Each week will build upon the last, by week 4 you will be off book and receiving direction, then make adjustments and applying changes as if you were on set or in an audition.
By utilizing some simple yet powerful tools, you will learn how to connect to the world and the characters in the script, by creating deep and truthful relationships so that you live truthfully in the moment, fulfill the script and beats, yet are open to allowing your instincts to fire.
Classes meet once a week, four times a month from 6:00-9:00pm pst.
Mondays Course - Meets every Monday for 4 weeks - $200
Wednesdays Course - Meets every Wednesday for 4 weeks - $200

Script Analysis & Character Breakdown Intensive
This course will teach the actor how to:
Create the world within the script
Develop a Character
Fulfill the scripts emotional and physical beats truthfully
Develop and connect to the relationships within the script
Make every word have meaning and make sense
Give the Actor confidence in themselves and their work
10 lessons with worksheets
Get started on stepping out of the crowd and begin Empowering Your Self Sustaining Actor.
February 2020 Class - Dates coming soon
Online Course Available now - $175

1:1 Skype Coaching
Weekly 1 hour - one on one coaching
Direct personal support throughout week
Create a specific career plan for you
Set personal and professional goals and the steps to achieve them.
Development of Script breakdown
Scene study
Auditioning techniques
Paradigm shift
Social media marketing
Content creation

How to get an Agent Course
COMING SOON! This 8 week course with Joanna Bronson will provide actors with:
Personalized tools to develop a targeted list of prospective agents Theatrical and/or Commercial that are perfect for the actor in their current standing and future Goals
A full list of all Los Angeles based Licensed Agents with contact information and how to properly contact them
Personalized mentorship on each actors assets
Templates for the perfect email pitch
By the end of the class the goal will be to have professional representation that is suitable for each individual actors needs.
Please note that in order to participate in this class you must be willing to come to class prepared with all your homework done every week in order to fully benefit from each class lessons.
Actors must also have ALL the assets on the attached ASSETS LIST. If you are missing anything from the assets list please see our free tutorials on Youtube here.
Dates for February 2020 Class coming soon. This is an intensive 8 week course that meets once a week.

Gabrielle Walsh
~ (Shameless, The Vampire Diaries, Paranormal Activity)
You inspired me to begin to create my own opportunities. Creating the work I want to see that feeds my passion. "What am I waiting for?!"

Rachele Schank
~ (Legion, Lucifer, Agent X, Animals, Snapchat)
Brent Harvey is one of the best acting coaches I've ever had the pleasure to work with. He teaches how to be an "emotional athlete" in a fast-paced industry and helps you to recognize your strengths and improve your weaknesses. Not only did my work improve, but so did my confidence and self-esteem. If you're looking to expand your capabilities and confidence as an actor I highly recommend working with Brent.

Marco da Silva
~ (Sara's Exchange, Britney Spears Live, Kylie Minogue)
Brent Harvey has to be one of the most passionate teachers in Hollywood! His focus is not only to spread his acting knowledge but to make sure that you as an actor grow as much out of your comfort zone as possible to reach your full potential. He thrives by the growth of his students. I have in the shortest amount of time understood what I miss to take me to the next level and I thank Brent for that!

Lorynn York
~ (Dear White People, Struggleing, Airplane Mode, Alibi)
Brent Harvey has become a huge inspiration to me and I strongly believe his impact on my life lead me into the successful career I've started. Not only is he an incredible acting coach with the ability to find choices and strengthen the relationships in no time at all, but he is one of the most confident, compassionate human beings I have met in LA. He cares. He wants to see others around him succeed, and he will do whatever he can to guide you into a more confident successful version of yourself.

Christian Olivo
~ (Insecure, Versace, Colder Than Ice, Turning 25)
Brent Harvey is not only one of the most talented acting teachers in LA, but one of the most professional people I have gotten to work with as well. As one of my teachers he broke through to me on a personal level and helped me develop my own method for acting. He has one of those truly unique abilities to see in every actor what it is distracting their work from discovering their true talent. But then teaches the industries' most valuable lessons in managing your career and how to grow yourself as an attractive business. I always learn something new about myself when I'm working with Brent, and his tenacious diligence and discipline motivates me even further on the path to living my dream as a working creator in LA.

Alex Owens-Sarno
~ (Titanic, A Closer Walk With Thee, The Sluagh)
He is one of the best acting coaches I've ever had. He taught me so much about connecting with my scene partners, accessing emotions, and breaking down walls, which of course are all extremely important for acting, but the most valuable lessons I got from him were the lessons of self-love. Brent helped me see not only the value in myself, but also the value in LOVING myself. I got out of a dead end relationship, people were treating me differently, and I opened up immensely in my craft. All because he taught me that I deserved to own all of the amazing things I have to offer. Since then, my work continues to grow. I'm not ashamed of myself anymore. Not even those messy scary parts... because let's be honest, those are now my favorite parts to access in my work. I'm so thankful that Brent took the time to get to know me as an individual, push me when I was being resistant, and be gentle with me when I was at my most broken and vulnerable.